There's real life with hope

Life Groups

Winter 2018 Life Groups

Beginning The Week of February 11 | Finishing by Palm Sunday

Why join a Life Group?

No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we benefit from getting plugged into a LIFE Group.  God does not want any of His children to face life alone.  Your Life Group will help you to build healthy relationships and to put your knowledge into application.  You will also have a chance to benefit another person in community outreach.

What are the benefits?

We can’t begin to imagine the value of a life that is spiritually nourished and continually growing, but some of the initial benefits of joining a Life Group are: sharing the joys and burdens of your friends in Christ, experiencing a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment as you serve each other and your community in Christ’s Name, and personally knowing the unexplainable peace that comes with living a life that honors and glorifies the living God.

Interested in more information?

Our Christian Education Survey taken in Summer 2017 resulted in this feedback: “Topic of Study” is #1 choice of responders. 
Also #1 with our congregations are: 
-Chance to make a new friend
-Prefer to meet weekdays instead of weekends
-Would like to attend with a friend
-Evening hours are best for a majority of those who responded


Servant or Sucker? will help viewers discern appropriate, Christ-centered actions when it comes to addressing poverty, homelessness, and the needy we meet on the street corners on a personal or organizational level.

Date: Sundays
Time: 3pm - 4:15 pm
Location: 904 Philadelphia Pike
Wilmington, DE 19809
Contact: Mary Jane Copely
(302) 383-9340
*Call for parking details


A forty day prayer guide based on the Lord’s prayer. Will help those who pray get God’s perspective on money. Great for stewardship. Book cost $9

Dates: February 15th, March 1st, 15th, & 28th
Time: 7pm
Location: Atonement UMC
Contact: Kathy DeLacy
(302) 740-2579
*Book cost $9


A collection of 8 full-length articles by Terry Teykl, both inspire and teach on some of the most important aspects of prayer ministry. Top that off with great quotes and colorful stories like “Neville the Undertaker,” and you have a great little book for Sunday school small groups or just to enhance your own understanding of prayer. Book cost $8

Date: Sundays
Time: 9:30am - 10:30 am
Location: HOPE Community Church
1400 Harvey Rd
Wilmington, DE 19809
Contact: Gail Basson
(302) 737-7079 (home)
(302) 220-0359 (cell)
*Book cost $8


In his best-selling book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, pastor and popular author Adam Hamilton helped readers relive the one day in history that changed everything and experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ final hours. 

Date: Wednesdays
Time: 12:15pm & 7:15pm
Location: Atonement UMC
Leader: John Hornberger

Team Knollwood 

Join with Pastor Amy in her ongoing efforts towards the Knollwood Community. Come and learn about the bridge that’s being built to the Knollwood Community Center. Knollwood is the mission field in our backyard and the best is yet to come.

First Organizational Meeting
Date: Saturday February 25
Time: 1pm
Location: Atonement UMC
Leader: Amy Peters
(302) 218-5896 (cell)
(302) 334-0249 (office)
Monthly Meetings to Follow


Ken Curtis explores coping with difficulties in life from personal experience with cancer based on the inspiration of the 23rd Psalm. For this video Curtis went to Israel to be with the shepherds, travel “through the valley of the shadow of death,” and explore and enjoy the healing powers of the green pastures and still waters.

Date: Tuesdays
Time: 6:15 pm
Location: 2508 Wexford Dr.
Wilmington DE 19810
Contact: Renee Bennett
(302) 439-3585 (home)
(610) 809-4366 (cell)


Where is God when tragedy and suffering strike? When the ground shakes, and a poor nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; where is God? In Why?, best-selling author Adam Hamilton brings fresh insight to the age-old question of how to understand the will of God.

Date: Sundays
Time: 3pm - 4pm
Location: 605 Harvey Rd
Claymont, DE 19703
Leader: Lyn Needs
(302) 792-1763